September 20, 2024

Introducing Students to the Three Read

I developed the three read (self) assessment system prior to COVID and as great as it turned out to be at helping students take ownership of their learning and become awesome problem solvers it always took longer than I wanted for them to understand and truly embrace the system. This year I wanted to shorten the learning curve by creating some non math versions for them as an introduction. 

This is one based on a popular cooking contest which I loaded up in Desmos. Here’s how we did it: ( I teach High School Integrated Math 3 and all of my students are in teams of 3 or 4)

1. In their teams have students read the problem aloud.

2. Once they are done reading, allow students to start watching the video.

3. After a couple of minutes encourage students to copy the first read up on their boards (vertical non permanent surfaces) and answer it.

4. While students are working I am circulating, prompting and encouraging

5. Once the majority of teams have a fairly resolved first read up, have everyone sit and do a little closure so that every team has a complete first read. At this point I introduce students to self assessment and project the Rubric on the smart board. Students then self assess their own answers with my help. I explain that in order to get the full 5 points they need to have all of the BOLD words. If they are missing one then give themselves a 3 and if they have anything they get a 1. Before I have students continue to the second read I have them fix their answers so that they have a full five points. 

6. Students then continue working on second read, while I am circulating, prompting encouraging keeping their struggle productive with clarifying questions. During this time I am constantly reminding students that they don’t lose points for writing too much only if they don’t write enough. 

7. Once every team has a fairly resolved answer on their white boards I do closure on the second read. I post the rubric for the second read and we quickly go over how they would score themselves. Because I have been circulating and prompting them to write more they all have a fairly exhaustive list. I explain that “Knives, pans, blenders etc” cover Kitchen, other ingredients cover Pantry and all three chefs used a stove/oven. If they were missing anything I encourage them to fix their answer.

8. Students work toward completion of third read,while I am circulating, prompting, encouraging and keeping their struggle productive with clarifying questions

10. This last part took about 15 minutes so I stopped all teams with enough time to do  a good closure on the third read. Because there were three chefs there are three separate rubrics. I put them up one at a time and we discussed them. Lastly, students  fixed their answers and took pictures.

Throughout this process I constantly remind students to write more and when we are going over the rubric I explain that I will always just pull out 5 things from the problem to include in the rubric. They will never know which parts of the process will be included so they need to make sure they cover all of their bases in order to get the full 5 points. 

All in all I felt it went really well and I got a lot of student buy in. Like anything we do, one and done never works so I’ll develop a few more of these for the future. If you try it let me know how it goes!!!