February 11, 2025

Team Building Tuesday: Getting Started

(5-min Non-curricular tasks that motivate, activate and engage Math students)

If you want to read the research on why these are effective go here

ENTHUSIASM MATTERS – There is enough info in each slide for students to figure it out. Start the timer and say “Go!”. Use your words to encourage them to persevere and they’ll figure it out.

WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER – Everybody loves to play and students will engage and play just for the sake of it but “winning”. That being said these fit really well in any Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) but candy works as well.

THE BEST $ YOU’LL EVER SPEND – Buy a bag of wooden dominoes (Like these). When they arrive, put each colored group of 100 Dominoes into its own 1 gallon ziplock. Number each bag (sharpie).

NOTHING SAYS GOOD TIMES LIKE A RED CUP – Buy 100 Red Solo cups (no they don’t need to be red or Solo or even plastic). The majority of the challenges can be done only using dominoes but it’s nice to switch it up sometimes.

BE THEIR BIGGEST FAN –  Remember to fill your heart with love, joy and enthusiasm. If you are excited about what your students do they will be as well.


There are two basic types of challenges, “Chain Reaction” and “Building”. I like to alternate between Chain Reaction one week and Building the next. I start with the simplest challenges first and make them progressively harder every week. After a while your students will become very proficient and the order won’t matter as much. Some are event specific but even that is up to you. “A little bit of Love” is designed for Valentine’s Day but maybe you or your classes are in need so let it rock. Here is my suggested order and more will be added to the youtube channel as I think of them or you suggest them

Chain ReactionAction StepsBuildingAction Steps
Unchained ReactionI just start the timer and circulate constantly reassuring them to persevere and letting them know that accidental topples happen to everyone. Example videoTower of CupsStart the timer and let ‘em go!!! Be careful some students may want to stand on a chair to get that top cup on. Maybe have them start on the floor. (Gojira is the French Band that opened the Paris Olympics) Ties can be broken with more cups and 60 seconds
Y OH YJust start. If a team doesn’t know what a Y is, tell them 1 domino knocks down 2. Constantly circulate encourage to persevere Example videoTower of TilesStudents will spend the time figuring out a strategy. Have faith they’ll get there. Use a meter stick to determine the winner.
Up and OverIf students don’t have themselves put out a set textbooks. Let students figure out how to get the dominos to go up steps. Be patient on Further prompting. Example videoTower of Cups and TilesThis is just fun. Remember to encourage all along the way. 
2Y’s and 2 HillsBy now its all circulating, encouraging and celebrating design Example videoPaper HouseI have a team member pick up the paper but I walk around and stick a 12in piece of tape to each team
Falling UpHave available lots of stuff to climb but let students figure it outStep MummyThis one always seems to to be a struggle but let them google the shape they’ll get there
The Multi Y verseYou’ll be amazed. Circulate, encourage, celebrateFaulty TowersThe suspension platform is just a paper sized board with a 12in piece of string that has a loop at the end attached to each corner. Make sure they only hold it by the loop.
Peace 4 AllAs I circulate I talk about peace, in our hearts, our classroom, our school, Nation and world. You do you. Example VideoLeaning TowerSimilar to faulty towers but one end balances on a desk
Pine Reaction Christmas is inappropriate but the trees are everywhereDeuces WildI have a different colored stack of  paper for each team and set up a few orange buckets. It’s wild and hectic but a lot of fun. There can be stats extensions to this. 
Getting FrostyWinters coming or hereTumbling TeacupsOf course we are using non breakable “tea cups”!
Getting SquidlyThese are symbols from the Squid Games Example videoGetting CubicDepending on your Ss you might want to preload this by putting V=LxWxH on a board
A Little Bit of LoveValentines day. The song restarts at 3 minutes so keep them going Example VideoGardeningAnother volume problem with tie ins.
Ring TheoryOne of my hardest math classes at UCSD but also a celebration of the olympicsHexiliciousThis always leads to some interesting interpretations
CirclingPart of my Pi day celebration Example VideoPaper ChainsIt’s a good way to decorate your room for the holidays!!! Just saying…
April ShowersSelf explanatoryThrough a CardI like to have lots of cards and scissors so that everyone on the team can try multiple times
Flower PowerMay Flowers and a nod to the Summer of Love
Domino FallsYou’ll be amazed at some of their solutions
SPF 100Maybe I should have used the Beatles “Here comes the sun!”. No matter what happens it will be alright
30 60 90 Right TriangleMy attempt to help them make connections to what these numbers actually mean. Create a 30 and 60o template to check
Poly Wants a CrackerWho doesn’t?
GraduationAnother opportunity to celebrate by making a Mortar board.